Therapy for Men

Hey there. I’m really excited that you’re here. Thanks for showing up for you. So, how can therapy help? I gave men their own special section here because we live in a society that has completely feminized therapy and I’m here to say, let’s stop doing that. I want this to be a space for men also.

Does this sound like you? You aren't allowed to be emotional because you've been told since you were 4 years old to suck it up and be a man. You’ve become resourceful in managing your own life and needs - maybe by neglecting some feelings along the way. Chances are you’ve asked for help before and were burned in the process, learning that you could only rely on yourself.

You’re proud of how self-sufficient you are, and you should be. You’ve walked through this tough life with the stigma of needing to be this perfect rock to make everyone happy and feel safe while limiting your growth and not attuning to your needs. Now you’re starting to reflect, and you’re like, damn, there’s actually a lot more to life than this stigma of who you’re supposed to be.

You might also feel immense pressure to be in touch with your emotions, but you have to express them perfectly, or else someone is going to get mad or hold resentment. You might as well not have spoken at all.

No one told you, taught you, or encouraged you to use this side of your voice as a kid, teen, or adult. In fact, you were probably made fun of or made to feel lesser than for experiencing a totally normal and valid feeling.

I see you. You are overwhelmed, exhausted, and disconnected from the world. You've given this your all and tried all the quick fixes and self-talk to feel better, but now you need a little more support. You don’t have to do this alone.

If you resonate with just one of those statements, I can help. I'm a direct and collaborative therapist trying to open up the world and bring in therapy for all. I help you reconnect with your body and the emotions you’ve held onto and repressed for so long. I see your back hurting, your tone shifting, your eyes rolling daily, and your hands doing much. The weight of the world is real. I am here to help release some of this tension, giving you access to the actual work to heal. I call you on your shit, and I’m not afraid of a good debate. I also use evidence-based strategies.

I dislike what society and generations have told men. It’s time to give men the support they deserve. It’s time to see them finally. Together, we will identify the root of your struggles to find long-term, lasting solutions.

“The act of revealing oneself fully to another and still being accepted may be the major vehicle of therapeutic help.”

— Irvin D. Yalom