Serving clients in all of Washington State. This practice is currently telehealth for individuals and couples. For telehealth and in-person, I use an Electronic Health Record and video that is HIPAA compliant to protect you and keep our work just between us. Group work is in person.
Free Consult
Therapy fit is so important. It has been proven that if you have a positive therapeutic fit, healing can happen much faster. Makes sense, right? We open up to the people we feel comfortable with. I believe the therapeutic alliance is so important that I offer a free 30-minute consult. Click here to sign up, and once there, click me, Kristy Fisher, to pick a time to chat.
Therapy is costly. I get it and agree – though some would argue that the benefits are priceless. I happen to be part of that some, and I hope you are one day, too. Here’s why – let’s say we meet once a week. That’s great! AND you take what we have worked on and implement it all week. You are constantly working, self-creating, and self-defining, and I, too, am thinking of you/doing homework and seeing how we can utilize our time together to allow the system to function better for you. Therapy is a cost. Yes. It is also a time commitment, emotional journey, and resourceful space. Therapy is an investment in YOU.
$150/53 min. (I take two insurances, see below, all else is private pay)
$200/80 min.
Groups are $100 per person per week for a 10-week commitment. The current group is closed.
I accept most major credit/debit, HSA, and FSA cards.
No Surprise Act
January 1st, 2022, the No Surprises Act came into effect, requiring providers to make explicit on my website that all clients are entitled to a Good Faith Estimate regarding service cost. You will receive a GFE at the commencement of paid service as part of my intake paperwork.
I am an affiliate of Shelterwood Collective PLLC (TIN #47-4860247 / NPI-2 #1538663604). Through their group contracts, as an Associate Licensed Therapist, I provide in-network mental health care with Premera and Lifewise to those seeking individual care. I do not work with insurance for couples therapy.
You remain ultimately responsible for paying any deductible, copay, or other out-of-pocket expenses your insurance provider may require. You also remain ultimately responsible for paying any claims your insurance provider may reject.
I am an out-of-network provider for those outside of Premera and Lifewise, those who do not wish to utilize those benefits, or those seeking relational/couples counseling. However, I can provide you with a superbill and a receipt for direct reimbursement from your insurance plan.
You must check with your insurance provider about your coverage for out-of-network providers and their services. It is not in my scope of practice to make that call. You retain ultimate responsibility for payment for services if your insurance company decides that this documentation does not meet their requirements for coverage of your treatment.
Land Acknowledgment
I want to acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe. To learn more about the Duwamish People, click here.